Hi, my name is Radhika Narain. I find myself dancing between cancer research, cultural arts, and the ancient practice of Ayurveda. I am propelled by the creative processes underlying science and art, and I’m inspired by ancient culture.

My scientific odyssey began during my one year undergraduate research experience at the Koch Cancer Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was surrounded by engineers and scientists who were trying to approach cancer through multiple ways! It was a stimulating environment that motivated me to explore novel ways of targeting cancer.

Progressing to my master’s studies at Johns Hopkins, I was part of Dr. Elisseeff’s lab, where my projects revolved around marrying the principles of regenerative medicine and immunology to innovate within cancer research. I developed a fascination for engineering the tumor microenvironment, especially the stroma or fibrotic tissue of the tumor through biomaterials and drugs.

Following this, my path led me to AbbVie, where I engaged in translational research focused on discovering and developing new therapies that target fibroblasts for the treatment of fibrosis and cancer. Over the years, I have seen how scientists have re-imagined medicine and continue to do so and this excites me!

Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. at the joint program between the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of California, Berkeley, under the mentorship of Dr. Weaver. My research is focused on unraveling how the physical forces in the tumor influence tumor progression. This would lead to mechanotherapeutics as a novel avenue to expand the treatment arsenal for patients with aggressive cancers.

Beyond my scientific pursuits, I’m a Bharatanatyam dancer. Recently, I reached a significant milestone in this journey by completing my Arangetram, a debut solo performance that marks the culmination of rigorous training and dedication to this art. Moreover, as a certified Ayurvedic Counselor I promote the holistic practices of Ayurveda, advising on time-tested healthcare practices from India. My long term vision is to establish Ayurveda as an evidence-based science. This aspect of my life enriches my scientific endeavors, allowing me to explore and advocate for integrative approaches to health and wellbeing.

Love what you do and do what you love.
— Ray Bradbury

Cancer. culture. creativity.